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Please submit a proposal for the Peace Science Society meeting in Orlando, Florida, November 13-15, 2025 by using the form below. Andrew Boutton and the University of Central Florida will serve as the local host. Resat Bayer and Kanisha Bond will serve as program chairs.

We welcome presentations which examine any aspect of peace, conflict, and conflict resolution, employing rigorous, scientific methods of inquiry.

Proposals must be received by Friday, May 8, 2025 for full consideration.

We are also accepting proposals for workshops, to be held on Thursday, prior to the paper presentations. 

Workshop proposals should include: 1) Complete contact information for the workshop organizer(s); 2) a summary of the workshop’s scholarly focus and format (max 3 pages); 3) a list of workshop participants, with names, institutions, and email addresses; 4) anticipated products and scholarly output.

Please email workshop proposals as a pdf document to by Friday, May 2, 2025 for full consideration.

Additional Author 1
Additional Author 2
Additional Author 3
Please enter the name and institution of all remaining additional authors not already listed
Abstracts should be 300 words or less.
Please enter up to 5 keywords
Presentation Format Preference